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Industry Information

How to design the PCB layer for the best EMC effect?

How to design the PCB layer for the best EMC effect?

In the EMC design consideration of the PCB, the first thing involved is the layer setting; the number of layers of the single board is composed of the number of power, ground and signal layers; in the EMC design of the product, in addition to the selection of components and circuit design In addition, good P...

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Advantages and disadvantages of FPC flexible circuit boards

Advantages and disadvantages of FPC flexible circuit boards

FPC: English full spell Flexible Printed circuit, its Chinese meaning is flexible printed circuit board, referred to as flexible board. It is made of conductive circuit patterns on the surface of a flexible substrate using optical imaging pattern transfer and etching processes. The surface and inner layers of ...

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Strive to be the creative and creative capital of the world‘s influence

Strive to be the creative and creative capital of the world‘s influence

On February 22nd, Wang Weizhong, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and secretary of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee, went to Longgang District, Shenzhen to investigate the development of cultural industries. He stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement General ...

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Artificial intelligence into the astronomy?

Artificial intelligence into the astronomy?

Scientists use artificial intelligence machine learning capabilities, the existing astronomical data input "neural network." As a result, two new planets were discovered by Artificial Intelligence Network. One of the planets, codenamed "Kepler-90i," has eight stars in its star system, resembling the solar system...

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Household appliances tend to be intelligent young people is the main consumer

Household appliances tend to be intelligent young people is the main consumer

In most people‘s minds, intelligence stands for convenience, speed, simplicity, and technological power. Morning stretch, the default kitchen work well, ready for breakfast; go out, all appliances, lamps and other electrical appliances all automatically shut down into power-saving state, all automatic locking doors ...

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2017 Intelligent Manufacturing World Tour Japan articles

2017 Intelligent Manufacturing World Tour Japan articles

With the new round of scientific and technological revolution and the rise of industrial revolution, intelligent manufacturing is becoming an important direction for manufacturing changes in the world and the commanding height of competition. Major manufacturing countries have introduced relevant strategies and polic...

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